
Inspection of Water Interventions for Kiambu

‌Free Water interventions for Informal Settlements Today the Principal Secretary Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Joseph Irungu Wairagu, CBS and Governor Kiambu County H.E Dr James Nyoro inspected water interventions in Kiambu County. They inspected the proposed Kinale Dam site in Kinale Forest, Lari Constituency which will have a capacity of 47 million litres once complete and supply portable…

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Free Water interventions for Informal Settlements

‌Free Water interventions for Informal Settlements ‌Today His Excellency The President of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H inspected free water interventions for informal settlements in Mathare and Kibera. The water interventions are part of his directive to provide free water for informal settlements during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya. The Agency has already constructed 93 steel elevated tanks…

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‌Commissioning and Inspection of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects

‌Commissioning and Inspection of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects for Kiambu County ‌Today the Principal Secretary Joseph Wairagu inspected water, sanitation and Irrigation projects in Kiambu County. He began by inspecting Tigoni Water Supply project which benefits more than 50,000 residents, supplying 1.5 million litres of water per day. He then proceeded to Gichika in Gatundu to inspect ongoing Gatundu…

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Mathare North Water Intervention

Mathare North water intervention, Flagging off Ceremony, Tree planting and Clean up at Ondiri Swamp The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Hon. Sicily K. Kariuki (Mrs.) E.G.H accompanied by Nairobi Metropolitan Service Director General Maj. Mohammed Abdalla Badi inspected Mathare Community Water Supply Project and flagged off 30 water tanks donated by World Vision Kenya. Later they…

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Tackling the Water Menace

Tackling the Water Menace Resident of Nairobi are expected to reap benefits of the Northern Collector Tunnel (NCT1) as it is expected to be complete by December 2020. The tunnel will boost existing water supply to Nairobi by 140 million litres per day. The NCT 1 is under the 4th Nairobi Water Supply project which is set to provide reprieve…

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Ongoing COVID-19 Water Interventions

Ongoing Water Interventions in the Informal Settlements The Principal Secretary Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation Joseph Wairagu Irungu today 30th April 2020 inspected the ongoing water interventions in the informal settlements. The PS was accompanied by; Eng. SAO Alima – Water Secretary, Brigadier Leule - Nairobi Metropolitan Services Rep, Eng. Michael M. Thuita – Chief Executive Officer, Athi…

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Water Supply Increment Implementation

Implementation of Measures to Increase Water Supply to Informal Settlements Cabinet Secretary, Sicily Kariuki, (Mrs) EGH inspected the ongoing activities to enhance water supply to communities in informal settlements to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The National Treasury has allocated Kshs. 200 million to drill boreholes and install elevated tanks in the informal settlements in Nairobi City. The emergency measures…

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Installation Of Handwashing Points

Installation Of Handwashing Points In Nairobi County To Curb Spread Of Coronavirus (Covid-19) As you are aware, the Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya, confirmed Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case in Nairobi. Among the initiatives that are required to be observed as preventive measures “regularly and thoroughly washing of hands with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer”. Athi Water…

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Athi Water Stand ASK Show 2019

Accelerating Access to Water and Sanitation Welcome to the Athi Water Works Development Agency Stand at the ASK Showground for the Nairobi International Trade Fair Show 2019. Come and learn about our projects and how they impact your daily activities. The Chairman @AthiWaterWorks Hon. Eng. John Kiragu Chege leading in efforts to engage the future generation in learning about Water…

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Best Non-Agricultural Statutory

Best Non-Agricultural Statutory The President H.E Uhuru Kenyatta presenting @AthiWaterWorks with a trophy for the Best Non-Agricultural Statutory Board Stand at the @AgriSocietyOfKe to the @Eng_Thuita and Chairman Hon. Eng. John Kiragu Chege. We won 3 awards for our exemplary work in Water and Sanitation at the ASK Showground for the Nairobi International Trade Fair Show 2019. They are Best…

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