ONGOING PROJECTSCOMPLETED PROJECTSPLANNED PROJECTSONGOING PROJECTSKAMUKUNJIConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersRUARAKALaying of Mathare North & Getathuru sewerMATHAREConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI SOUTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersROYSAMBUConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersEMBAKASI SOUTHLaying of sewers & water lines in Mukuru Kwa Njenga & Reuben & Airport North road.Drilling & equipping of Embakasi Girls Borehole water project. 30km sewer and 30km waterKASARANIExpansion of sewers for Kasarani and Mwiki areas 45kmEMBAKASI CENTRAL25km of water and Sewer Pipelines for Kayole SowetoEMBAKASI WESTLaying of 5km trunk sewers to drain Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital & UmojaEMBAKASI EASTConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersMAKADARADrilling & Equipping of 3 boreholes at Huruma Girls, Makadara Dispensary and Buruburu GirlsEMBAKASI NORTHRehabilitation of existing Kariobangi waste water treatment plantLANGATAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersSTAREHEConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI NORTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersWESTLANDSLaying of 27km Bulk water transfer system for NairobiConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersKIBRAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersConstructed 18 ablution blocksLaid 2km Trunk sewers & 5km laterals for Laini-Saba Gatwikira, Raila & OlympicCOMPLETED PROJECTSKAMUKUNJIConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersRUARAKALaying of Mathare North & GetathurusewerMATHAREConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI SOUTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersROYSAMBUConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersEMBAKASI SOUTHLaying of sewers & water lines in Mukuru Kwa Njenga & Reuben & Airport North road.Drilling & equipping of Embakasi Girls Borehole water project. 30km sewer and 30km waterKASARANIExpansion of sewers for Kasarani and Mwiki areas 45kmEMBAKASI CENTRAL25km of water and Sewer Pipelines for Kayole SowetoEMBAKASI WESTLaying of 5km trunk sewers to drain Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital & UmojaEMBAKASI EASTConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersMAKADARADrilling & Equipping of 3 boreholes at Huruma Girls, Makadara Dispensary and Buruburu GirlsEMBAKASI NORTHRehabilitation of existing Kariobangi waste water treatment plantLANGATAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersSTAREHEConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI NORTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersWESTLANDSLaying of 27km Bulk water transfer system for NairobiConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersKIBRAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersConstructed 18 ablution blocksLaid 2km Trunk sewers & 5km laterals for Laini-Saba Gatwikira, Raila & OlympicPLANNED PROJECTSKAMUKUNJIConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersRUARAKALaying of Mathare North & GetathurusewerMATHAREConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI SOUTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersROYSAMBUConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersEMBAKASI SOUTHLaying of sewers & water lines in Mukuru Kwa Njenga & Reuben & Airport North road.Drilling & equipping of Embakasi Girls Borehole water project. 30km sewer and 30km waterKASARANIExpansion of sewers for Kasarani and Mwiki areas 45kmEMBAKASI CENTRAL25km of water and Sewer Pipelines for Kayole SowetoEMBAKASI WESTLaying of 5km trunk sewers to drain Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital & UmojaEMBAKASI EASTConstruction of waste stabilization ponds, 20km of trunk sewers and 10km reticulation sewersMAKADARADrilling & Equipping of 3 boreholes at Huruma Girls, Makadara Dispensary and Buruburu GirlsLANGATAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersEMBAKASI NORTHRehabilitation of existing Kariobangi waste water treatment plantSTAREHEConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersDAGORETTI NORTHConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersWESTLANDSLaying of 27km Bulk water transfer system for NairobiConstruction of 14km of trunk sewers and 15km reticulation sewersKIBRAConstruction of 20km of trunk sewersConstructed 18 ablution blocksLaid 2km Trunk sewers & 5km laterals for Laini-Saba Gatwikira, Raila & Olympic486696SQ . KM AREA OF COVERAGE1517Sub-Counties34874414397000Population ServedDo you need any help? Call +254 0715 688 272.Please visit our headquarters at Athi Water Plaza, Muthaiga North Road, Off Kiambu Road.CONTACT US