CS Water Maiden Inspection of Athi Water Works Water Projects in Kiambu

CS Water Maiden Inspection of Athi Water Works Water Projects in Kiambu
On 13th January 2023, the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation H.E Hon. Alice Wahome made her first inspection of water infrastructure projects in Kiambu County under Athi Water Works Development Agency jurisdiction.
The CS started with a courtesy call to the Office of the Governor Kiambu County H. E Hon. Kimani Wamatangi whereby they discussed cross-cutting issues in water and sanitation affecting the County.
She also proceeded to inspect the accelerated laying of Kigoro – Ngethu – Gigiri Bulk Water Transmission Pipelines from Muranga to Nairobi through Kiambu County.
The project is part of the Fourth Nairobi Water Supply, which includes the construction and laying of bulk water transmission pipelines from Ndakaini Dam to Gigiri Reservoir, construction of the Northern Collector Tunnel Phase 1, Kigoro Water Treatment Plant and Eastern and Western Bulk Water Transmission Pipelines which are crucial initiatives aimed at providing an additional one hundred and forty (140) million liters of water per day.
She also inspected the completed Karimenu II Dam and Karimenu Water Treatment Plant in Gatundu. The project is expected to provide more than 70 million litres of clean water per day benefitting residents of Ruiru, Juja, Gatundu, and Nairobi.
Speaking during the inspection the CS lauded efforts undertaken by Athi Water Works Development Agency to fast-track completion of the Dam within two (2) years and encouraged other institutions to benchmark.
The CS also talked about the proposed Ndarugu II Dam terming it the first Public Private Partnership (PPP) project in the Ministry and requested affected land owners to cooperate with the relevant authorities. She warned land brokers and speculators against compromising efforts to allow the project to proceed.
She said, “compensation will be adequately availed and no resident will lose their land without being compensated.” She urged residents to cooperate and allow access for feasibility studies of the project.”
In line with the Presidential directive to plant 300 to 500 trees during government functions, we also planted more than 500 trees in Gituru High School, Ngenda Primary School and Kambui School for the Deaf.
The CS was later joined by Ruiru constituency MP Hon. Simon Kingara Mwangi for tree planting at Jacaranda Water Treatment Plant in Ruiru.
The entourage comprised, County Commissioner Kiambu Joshua Nkanatha, Kiambu County CEC Water David Kimani Kuria, AWWDA Director Mathew Macharia, AWWDA CEO Eng. Michael Mwangi Thuita and Water Service Providers MD’s from Athi Water area of jurisdiction.