A Step Towards A Greener Future

In a historic move towards environmental conservation, His Excellency, the President of Kenya William Samoei Ruto , declared the 13th of November as National Tree Planting Day. This initiative is in line with the ambitious 15 billion trees by 2032 campaign, which aims to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future for future generations.
Our dedicated teams were on the ground, actively participating in tree-planting activities across different counties, contributing to the nationwide effort.
In Muranga County, the Board of Directors, led by Eng. James Wainaina and Felister Mwangi, spearheaded the event, which was graced by the honourable presence of Cabinet Secretary Hon. Simon Chelugui.
Simultaneously, in Nairobi, another team, led by Board of Director Mr. Isaac Odek, took the initiative to plant trees at the Kenya Wildlife Service Nairobi Park before heading to the main event at Bomas Beat. The enthusiasm and commitment exhibited by the team showcased the collective determination to make a significant impact on Kenya’s green landscape.
Machakos County witnessed its own tree planting extravaganza, led by Eng. Alphaxard Kitheko at Muumandu Forest. The involvement of local leaders and communities drawn from different parts of the county highlighted the importance of grassroots efforts in achieving national conservation goals.
Our main event unfolded at Nyamweru Compartment II, Uplands Forest, where the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation, Zachariah Njeru, EGH presided over the ceremony, culminated in planting more than 20,000 trees. In attendance were key figures, including AWWDA Board Chairperson Mr. Charles Karondo, AWWDA Board of Director Mr. Simon Mukhwana, AWWDA Ag. C.E.O Eng. Joseph Kamau, and Kiambu County Commissioner Mr. Joshua Nkanatha, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the initiative.
As we commemorate this inaugural National Tree Planting Day, let us celebrate not only the 15 billion trees by 2032 initiative but also the unity and determination that propels Kenya towards a greener, more sustainable future. The echoes of shovels striking soil and the rustling leaves of newly planted trees symbolize a collective promise to nurture our environment and safeguard the beauty of our beloved nation for generations to come.
This National Tree Planting Day marks a significant milestone in Kenya’s journey towards environmental stewardship. The hope is that it will inspire continuous efforts, fostering a culture of conservation that extends far beyond a single day of tree planting. Together, as a nation, we are sowing the seeds of change and cultivating a greener, healthier, and more resilient Kenya.