Kenya Towns Programs

Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program


The Ministry of Water and Sanitation & Irrigation received financing for the implementation of Kenya Towns Water and Sanitation Programme from The African Development Bank.

The main objective of the program is to improve the access, quality, availability, and sustainability of water supply and wastewater management services in multiple towns in Kenya, with a view to catalyzing commercial activities, driving economic growth, employment creation, improving quality of life of the people and building resilience against climate variability and change.

Projects Under AWWDA Cluster

Project Information

Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) is implementing projects under Kenya Towns within its area of jurisdiction, and in areas covered by the Coast and Tanathi Water Works Development Agencies (WWDA). AWWDA will lead the implementation of sub-projects within, Coast and Tanathi WWDAs areas.

The WWDAs have signed Implementation agreements where AWWDA will be the implementing agency. However, responsibilities for execution will be shared between AWWDA, CWWDA and TWWDA in the respective Water Works areas. TAWWDA and CWWDA will oversee the day to day implementation of the projects within their areas of jurisdiction.

Progress of Activities to Date

The implementation of the different components of the program are at different stages of as outlined below:


Progress on consultancies within the programme is summarized below;

Water Works Development AgencyProject Name
  • Consultancy on design review and construction supervision of Kikuyu and Limuru water and Sewerage Projects
  • Consultancy on design review and construction supervision of Gatundu Water Supply and Sewerage Project
  • Consultancy for design and supervision of Kiambu and Ruaka water and sewerage works
  • Consultancy for detailed design and construction supervision for Makutano water and sewerage project

  • Consultancy on design review and construction supervision of Pemba Intake and Changamwe repooling sewer networks
  • Consultancy Services for Design Review and Supervision for Construction of Water Distribution Works for Malindi Water Sewerage Company- Watamu Town Lot 2A Works in CWSB Area.

  • Consultancy on design review and construction supervision of “Design and Build” of Machakos Water Supply and Sewerage Project.
  • Review of an addendum to the contract to amend it from “Design and Build” framework to a conventional “Design and supervision” contract is ongoing between the consultant and AWWDA/TAWWDA.
  • Consultancy on design review and construction supervision of Mwala – Mbiuni Water Supply and Sewerage Project.
  • Consultancy on the feasibility study, detailed design and tender documentation for Oloolotikosh Dam water and sanitation project.
  • Consultancy on feasibility study, detailed design and tender documentation for Mwania and Miwongoni dam water and sanitation project.
  • Consultancy Services for Carrying Out Feasibility Study, Preliminary Designs & Detailed Design Reports for the Proposed Ongata Rongai, Ngong & Mavoko Sewerage Infrastructure Project in Tanathi Water Services Board Area.
  • Consultancy for detailed design and construction supervision for Kitui and Matuu Last mile connectivity project.

  • Consultancy services for projects communication and documentary.
  • Consultancy Services for Sustainability Study for WSPs (CWSB, AWSB, TAWSB)

  • Independent Panel of experts for implementation of Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program.
  • Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation of Kenya Towns- Athi Cluster Projects.
  • Consultancy Services for   Implementation of County Strategy, Capacity Building of Counties, Inspectorate Services, Media Communication and Advocacy for WASREB, and training of WWDA/County staff.
  • Consultancy Services for Training of WRA and Community, Enforcement of Compliance and Water Quality Regulation and WRUA's
  • Consultancy Services for Development of County Atlases (Kericho, Kajiado and Embu) for WASREB

Works Components

Progress on works components within the programme is summarized below;

Water Works Development AgencyProject NameProject Scope
AWWDAonstruction of Gatundu Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Construction of 40km of the trunk and reticulation sewers, sewage treatment plant of capacity 3,000m3/d, and three water supply schemes as follows; Ruabura 4,000m3/d, Ng’enda 4,000m3/d and Handege 9,000m3/d, 5 ablution blocks and 2000 connections…


Construction of Kikuyu water and sewerage project

Construction of 50km of trunk and reticulation sewers with sizes ranging from DN 250 – 450mm PVC/uPVC pipes, 26km of HDPE water distribution network, 3 no. ablution blocks, 6 no. boreholes with 48m3 pressed steel tanks and 450 household connections.

Construction of Limuru water and sewerage project

Rehabilitation of the existing wastewater treatment plant, construction of 2 no. oxidation ditches, 4 no. settling tanks, sludge beds, 40km of extension sewers with sizes ranging from DN 250 – 300mm uPVC pipes, 25km of HDPE water distribution network, 3 no. ablution blocks, 6 no. boreholes with 48m3 pressed steel tanks and 450 household connections.

Construction of Kiambu and Ruaka water and sewerage works

Rehabilitation of the existing waste water treatment plant, construction of 108km of trunk and reticulation sewers ranging in size from DN 250 – 450mm covering areas of Kiambu and Ruaka, 25km of HDPE water distribution network, 4,000m3/d Kiameru water scheme, 4 no. ablution blocks, 6 no. boreholes with 48m3 pressed steel tanks and 450 household connections.

Construction of Works for Makutano Water and Sewerage Project

Makutano Sewerage

Laying of 12.5km of 600/450/300 dia. PCC trunk sewer pipeline, Sewerage treatment plant of capacity 3,000m3/d (Phase 1), 15.5km of reticulation sewers and provision of 1000 household sewer connections. Also, rehabilitation of the Ablution block in Kangari market

Makutano/Kenol Water Supply

Laying of 34.9km, 200mm dia. and 11.0km, 160mm dia. HDPE treated water pipeline, construction of 2no. 250m3 masonry tank and Laying of 152km of distribution pipelines in underserved areas within the Murang’a

Construction of Pemba Intake water supply project

Involves rehabilitation of Pemba weir and spillway, installation of new raw water intake, Installation of new raw water pumping station and rising main, Construction of new conventional water treatment plant of 3,000m3/day capacity, connection to the existing marere line.

Construction of Changamwe Re-pooling sewer network project

Rehabilitation of 800m of trunk and 9km of reticulation sewers, extension of 6km of secondary sewers ranging in size from DN 250 – 300mm pipes

Construction of Works for Malindi Water and Sewerage Company- Watamu Lot 2A in CWWDA Area.



  • Preliminary and General items
  • Laying of 1.7km, DN300mm Ferrous Pipes Epoxy Coated Cement lined pipes
  • Laying of 2.6km HDPE Pipes ranging from 90mm dia. To 160mm dia.
  • Laying of 11.3km, UPVC Class B pipes 90mm dia.
  • Laying of 7.5km HDPE pipes ranging from 50mm, 63mm, 75mm dia
  • Installation of approx... 300Nr Consumer connections
  • Ancillary civil works
TAWWDAConstruction of Machakos Water Supply Project

Construction of Miwongoni 15m high Earth fill Weir of storage capacity 2.0Mm3 and 600m DN 600mm raw water gravity main, Construction of Miwongoni water treatment works of capacity 10,000m3/d, 18km long rising main steel pipelines, 2 Nr storage tanks of capacity 5,000m3 at Katelembu and  1,000m3 at Kiima Kimwe,

40km Gravity water transmission and distribution pipelines diameters 63-315mm within Machakos town, 10No. Boreholes and rehabilitation of 5No. Existing boreholes, Rehabilitation of the existing water treatment plant at Maruba and water supply networks, construction of 3,000 domestic water connections. 300mm pipes

Construction of Machakos Sewerage Project

Construction of 1 No. waste water treatment plant capacity 12,500m3/day along River Ikiwe (trickling filter treatment system), Laying of 60km trunk and lateral Sewer lines within Machakos Town and Environs,

Rehabilitation of the existing sewer networks within Machakos Town, Construction of 4 Nr. Sanitation blocks, construction of 2,000 individual sewer connections.

300mm pipes

Construction of Mwala – Mbiuni Water Supply Project

Construction of 1.65m high RC Weir at Munyu along Ndarugu River, Construction of 4.6km of DN450mm Raw Water Pipeline , Construction of a conventional Ndarugu Water Treatment Plant of capacity 6,600 m3/day, Water Transmission and Distribution - 110km water distribution pipelines to serve areas including Mwala, Mango, Mbiuni, Kabaa, Masii, Makutano, Wamunyu towns,1,000m3 RC tank at Muthei hill, Construction of Two tanks of capacity 225 m3 each at Mwala and Kabaa

Construction of Kitui and Matuu Last mile connectivity project
  1. Kitui Town Last Mile Connectivity
Water Component
  • Construction of distribution lines 40km in Kitui Town, Kwa Vonza University, Mutonguni and Kabai Market Areas
  • Rehabilitation of the old Masinga Kitui Pipeline and existing water distribution
  • Replacement of old sluice and air valves at intake and treatment plant
  • Installation of a new transformer for Masinga Pump House
  • Construction of Water Kiosks
  • Fencing of existing water tanks
  • Construction of guard Houses
  • Drilling and equipping of 5 No. boreholes


2. Sewerage Component
  • Construction of 40km Lateral lines, manholes and individual connections to existing main sewer lines
  • Unclogging of blocked manholes and sewer lines and replacement of manhole covers within Kitui Town
  • Upgrading and repair of 2 No. sewer pumps and 2 no. sewer houses


3.  Matuu Town Last Mile Connectivity
  • A 4000 m3/day conventional horizontal flow Water Treatment works
  • 1 No. 108 m3 Elevated
  • 30 Km HDPE Pipelines ranging from DN 90-315mm
  • 15Km distribution pipeline of various diameters ranging from DN 32- DN 63
  • 2Nr Sanitation Blocks


4.  Wote Water Component
  • Construction of 3.5m high Reinforced Concrete weir at the intake along Kaiti River
  • Development of infiltration galleries with a 400 m3 sump and solar power farm
  • construction of 1 WTP capacity 2,200m3/day
  • laying of 30km water distribution pipelines
  • Construction of a new 150m3tank at Unoa hill


5.  Murang’a water Component
  • Laying of 20km water pipelines
6. Thika sewerage component
  • Reconstruction of the 3km DN 675mm & DN 600mm Kangoki Sewer.